
EAL Session:

“I was thrilled to be invited for an EAL session with Aimee, and as a lover of horses, professional development and new experiences, I couldn’t wait to join her on her beautiful property. I was aware of EAL through previous work and study, but this was the first time that I had been the recipient of a session. The experience was incredibly soulful, grounding and heart-warming for me.

Aimee’s enriching, supportive and gentle guidance and Takoda and Poppy’s (the horses) willingness to allow me to explore myself and my abilities in a new (and sometimes challenging!) way provided the perfect environment for me to reconnect with important life lessons and openly reflect on what I most want for my time ahead. Aimee is fantastic at what she does and my experience with her will stay in my mind for a very long time to come.”  

Johanna Parker, Life Coach at Heart Sparks


“This session with Aimee was truly incredible. From the moment we started, Aimee set up a grounding, experiential and deeply calming session. I had no expectations and went in with an open mind and heart and walked away with such clear insight in to how i embrace all of life, how i move, react and interact with my surroundings, with the world. This was really powerful for me and i have seen the positive impact this awareness has had since our session.

It has given me clarity and a comforting assurance on how i move through the world, and has allowed me to trust myself even more. I feel everyone would benefit from working with Aimee, her skill in this area is outstanding and coupled with her loving, warm and oh so grounding nature just makes working with her really powerful. I know i will be back for another session when i am next in Victoria.”

Jo Kendall, Mentor & Speaker at


EAL Session

Aimee guided us through this experience with so much fierce presence and grace, we didn’t want to go home. It’s rare to have an experience that gives you direct feedback on how you’re showing up in the world, without there being a tonne of pressure, fear, or hype. It was inspiring, calming, renewing and insightful – the perfect combination”

Hayley Carr, Life Coach at


EaL Session

I was so excited to be invited to have a session with Aimee.  I haven’t spent a lot of time with horses in my life but have heard incredible things about EAL from clients who have experienced it themselves and had transformational shifts and realizations. Aimee beautifully grounded us in to the space and guided us to work with the horses, all the while giving us space to be completely present in the experience.

The session brought to light some things I needed to be reminded of and it was amazing to see how the horses reflected the lessons back to me in such an immediate way. It was an immensely grounding session and I will absolutely recommend Aimee to anyone who is called to experience the beauty and powerfulness of EAL.

Sammie Fleming, Life Coach at


Life coaching series:

"When I came to Aimee I was firmly in procrastination station. The vision for my life and my career had really started forming, but I just couldn’t pass through the blocks that were keeping me from action. With Aimee’s loving, intuitive and humorous support, I was able to sift through the multiple things that were pulling at my attention and connect with what truly mattered to me.

Thanks to Aimee's practical and spiritual support (including some loving 'kicks up the butt'), I finally gained the confidence and clarity to publish my coaching website and have a business vision for the future that exactly reflects my vision and my current personal journey.

If I had to describe my coaching experience in just three words? Transformative, aligning and a whole lot of fun"

Lucy Taylor, Webdesigner for wellness entrepreneurs at Truly You Websites


EAL session:

"Connecting with the horses was just beautiful and such an incredible experience. I’ve ridden horses before but this was different, it actually made me quite emotional. Feeling the textures of the horses and patting them, feeling the sun against their backs and how they responded to my touch was very calming. The process took me back to nature and my childhood, which is a time I always remember fondly. It made me realise how constricted I’d been feeling and how getting out in nature and also getting my hands dirty is a way I can start feeling more relaxed and free.

I hadn't anticipated just how much I needed this, and how much of an impact the horses would make. Aimee was an incredible guide and her follow up session helped me identify even deeper insights."



Life coaching series:

"I was finding some things a little overwhelming in terms of what am I going to do with my life. I hadn’t worked with a coach before and I wasn’t sure what to expect.

Coaching with Aimee has  re-established what is important for me at this stage of my life to keep me feeling balanced and in control of my feelings and emotions. It has re-established my priorities. I now have the confidence to follow my passion of writing in way that looks and feels right to me. 

 I always felt that Aimee was 100% dedicated to helping me achieve my goals and to helping me become the best version of myself that I could be. Her enthusiasm and encouragement was contagious and I always came away from our sessions feeling excited and focused."

Melissa Millard, Writer


EAL Session:

"Out of curiosity I decided to try a one-off EAL session with Aimee. I hadn’t been around horses in years but thought it would be interesting to try and see what came from it. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I was a bit nervous around the horses at the start but Aimee quickly put me at ease. 

Throughout the session I felt cared for, attended to but also allowed to be in my own space and completely present with the experience. Upon reflection, two parts of the session really stood out for me. The first was feeling so connected to the horses and being able to just be in their physical presence. This was so powerfully grounding for me. The second was the afterglow. I was on a high for the rest of the day – and the next day too! It was really amazing to experience something that resonated so deeply with me.  

The whole experience was so incredibly grounding, powerful and special that I can’t wait to return for more. If you even have an inkling that you would like to go and experience an EAL session with Aimee, I highly recommend it. Book in now!"

Jade McKenzie, Event professional and coach at Event Head


Life coaching series:

"Aimee came into my life when I was feeling quite disconnected, stuck and confused. A gifted Intuitive, she knew exactly how to cut through the BS and limiting beliefs that had been holding me hostage.

Aimee helped me to set inspiring goals that were aligned with who I am and where I wanted to be. A natural encourager, she helped shine a light on areas where I wasn't being true to myself...but also gave me a gentle ass kicking when I needed it most! 

After my coaching series with Aimee I felt truly nourished, connected and balanced. I can't thank her enough for helping me see the light again."

Jade Ogden, Wellness blogger at Make Your Life Amazing


EAL Session

“My experience with Aimee and the beautiful horses Takoda and Poppy was incredibly grounding, and I felt completely present and held by nature. Not only was I able to uncover some learnings that had been continually popping up for me, but I also gained clarity around the best path forward for me in these areas. It was a completely new experience for me and one that I would recommend to anyone who feels called. I can’t speak highly enough of this wonderful session!"

Abby Lewtas, Life Coach & Speaker and


Life coaching series:

"I gained so much from my coaching sessions with Aimee. Her passion for Life Coaching and helping people was evident to me every session. It was the first time someone had held me accountable for my actions when it came to my business.

As a result of learning how to be more mindful strategic and considered, I was able to achieve a significant promotion in my company. I am confident that I would not have achieved this success without her support, humour and encouragement. Aimee gave me some incrediby useful ideas, helped me set goals, and introduced me to some resources that I have since been able to integrate into my business.

Aimee believed in me possibly more than I believed in myself throughout the coaching sessions. I have no doubt Aimee will do well in this profession, and change the lives of many more lucky people!"

Paula Cook, Independent Presenter for Younique at Paula Cook Makeup

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EAL Session

"I did an EAL session with Aimee and at first I was a little unsure that I would get much out of it, I guess you could say I was almost skeptical. But once I had my introduction with her beautiful horses, I instantly felt an energy from Poppy – it was as if she was an old soul, wise and caring. Until I experienced that for myself I wouldn't have believed you could connect with an animal in that way.

We did a short meditation exercise. Aimee was a fantastic guide, she kept it to a level that suited a beginner like me, made me feel extremely comfortable and at ease. Her clear instructions and calming tone made for a relaxing meditation and encouraged a realisation of the different sensations I experienced in my body that I normally would not be aware of.

Aimee was able to use these realisations as the focal point of our session, guiding me to connect with Takoda and observe how he responded to that energy. It was a surreal experience that was essentially magical! Aimee has the skills and facilities to provide something truly unique. I will definitely be going back and recommending her to everyone I meet!"

Carly Hains