Nature Challenge

In the Southern Hemisphere it is definitely winter. I love honouring the different feelings of the seasons. Winter has a slow down, get comfy kind of feel to it. Warming foods and drinks. Boots, coats and beanies. Reading by the (gas) fire. Winter is a great time to slow down and look inward.

The temptation can be to use the cooler weather to stay indoors. Its’ raining, its too cold. Lounging round the warm house can be much more appealing. So I decide to challenge myself and my family to get outdoors

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A last minute Christmas Guide.

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells……can you believe it is only a few days until Christmas? Eek!! Now this isn’t my normal type of post, but I thought I would share with you some eco-friendly gift ideas and some of the brands I am loving right now. Plus it’s last minute, because it’s the time of year to be unorganised.

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Getting Back in the Saddle

Today I accomplished something I have been thinking of doing for years.

I got back in the saddle. Literally.

I haven’t ridden a horse in well… lets just say a really long time. I’ve had my two beauties for a little over a year now and it has been wonderful to have horses back in my life.

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Lessons From The Paddock

The other month I had to move my horses.

I have to admit I was pretty anxious about it. My last experience having my old horse trucked, when I was 18 years old, had been... well traumatising. For both of us. 

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My New Year's Rituals and Tips.

New Year's Eve has been and gone and you have promised yourself that this year will be different. You are going to stick to the resolutions you made and have the most amazing year yet. However, maybe a week later some of those "promises" you made to yourself ( late into the night after a few drinks) are looking a little shaky and you are already feeling like you have failed already.

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Intuition. What is it exactly?

Hello Lovely. If you have been following me on social media for a little while you will have probably noticed that there are a few words I use a lot. Higher Self, Inner Knowing, True/Authentic Self and Intuition. What do they mean?

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